Home Study Update...
Well we had our home study interviews on 2/17/16. We officially met our social worker who is very nice. During this appointment we were...
Why are we adopting from China?
We have recently had a few questions in regards to why we are adopting internationally and why we chose China? I'd like to take a moment...

The loss of a family member...
It's with a sad heart It was his biggest dream to have a grandchild and we are still working on bringing one into our family on this...
We have reached 39% of the total funds needed...
With our own savings, private donations and our gofundme page, we how have 39% of the total amount needed to complete our adoption! Once...

Our "business" cards arrived...
I ordered these "business" cards to help with networking and getting our story out to others. So far they have had a good response! If...
The first appointment is scheduled!
For the past few weeks we have been busy getting together all of the paperwork required for our home study. Some of this includes...
The never ending paperwork...
Well we have been chugging along with filling out all of the required paperwork and getting copies of all the documents that we need. We...

St. Louis Cardinal's Wreath Fundraiser
I will be making St. Louis Cardinal's Wreaths to make some extra money for our adoption expenses. This wreath is handmade with quality...
More paperwork....
Well the next set of paperwork arrived today and we get to start writing our autobiographies! They will surely know our whole life story...
Phase two has begun...
Good news! All of our initial paper work has been approved and now we are ready to start preparing for our home study! Phase two has...